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Hurry, this restaurant will be unavailable in 8 minutes! If you're unable to place your order before then, you may have to order from a different restaurant.
(contains raw fish)
All the spicy rolls have crunch inside.
All the spicy rolls have crunch inside.
Served with miso soup or hot sour soup or salad
Sushi 1 piece per order
Sashimi 2 pieces per order
Served with hot & sour or miso soup or salad
Served with hot & sour or miso soup or salad
Served with hot & sour or miso soup or salad
Does not come with soup or salad
Does not come with soup or salad
Does not come with soup or salad. Only one size.
We offer delivery for this restaurant.
There is a $75.00 minimum order for this restaurant.
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